Every business needs advice

What advice do SMEs need and where can they get it?

+ Feasibility: Does your business idea make sense
+ Strategic planning: Have you got the right plan, team, and resources
+ Government Support: Wide range of support to get your business growing
Graphic of advisor giving business advice

Evaluating Business Ideas: Essential Factors for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Aspiring entrepreneurs often start their journey with a plethora of business ideas. The process of distilling these ideas into a viable business proposition is complex, necessitating careful consideration of various factors. Getting good business advice is an invaluable asset for UK companies looking to navigate the complexities of the market and steer their operations towards growth and sustainability.

Whether you're a start-up laying the groundwork for your enterprise, an established business facing transitional challenges, or an expanding entity exploring new markets or technologies, professional guidance can provide the strategic insights needed to make informed decisions.

In the UK, where industries from fintech to manufacturing are evolving rapidly, having access to expert advice on legal, financial, and strategic matters can be the difference between flourishing and floundering. This support is crucial during pivotal moments such as scaling operations, managing regulatory changes, or implementing technological advancements.

Woman advising a man and woman who are working at a laptop

Feasibility and viability of your new business idea

Before diving headfirst into launching a new business, it's crucial to assess both the feasibility and viability of your business idea. This process involves examining multiple factors to ensure that your idea is not only theoretically sound but also capable of sustainable operation and growth in the real world.

Startup Advice: Idea Validation

The first step in your entrepreneurship journey involves validating your business idea. This is typically done through market research to gauge the demand for your product or service. It's critical to understand who your target customers are, what their needs are, and how your business can address those needs better than existing competitors.

Your value proposition is the unique value your product or service offers to customers that sets it apart from the competition. You need to be clear about what problem your business solves or what need it fulfills.

Business Advice: Operational Feasibility

Next, consider the operational feasibility of your business idea. This involves assessing whether you have the resources and capabilities to deliver your product or service effectively. It includes aspects such as supply chain management, production capabilities, and technological requirements. You should also investigate whether there are any legal or regulatory constraints related to your business idea. This could include licensing requirements, industry regulations, intellectual property rights, and more.

Small Business Advice: Financial Viability

A key aspect of assessing the viability of your business idea is financial planning. This involves creating a financial plan that outlines your startup costs, projected revenue, and operating expenses. Tools such as break-even analysis and cash flow projections can provide valuable insights into the financial viability of your business. Remember, a business idea could be great in theory, but if it's not financially sustainable, it's unlikely to succeed in the long run.

Entrepreneurship Advice: Strategic Planning

Once you've established the feasibility and financial viability of your business idea, it's time to develop a strategic plan. This includes creating a business plan that outlines your business's objectives, strategies, and operational plans. An integral part of your business plan is your marketing plan, which outlines how you will attract and retain customers. It's also prudent to undertake a comprehensive risk assessment to identifiy potential risks and develops strategies to mitigate them.

Innovation: The Key to Sustainable Success

In today's competitive business environment, innovation is more important than ever. It's not enough to simply have a viable business idea; you must continually innovate to stay ahead of the competition. This could involve developing new products or services, improving your processes, or finding new ways to meet your customers' needs.

Assessing the feasibility and viability of your business idea is a critical step before launching a new business. By carefully considering the market demand, operational feasibility, financial viability, and potential for innovation, you can significantly increase the chances of your business's success.

Remember, seeking professional startup advice can be invaluable in this process, providing insights and guidance to help you navigate the complexities of starting a new business.

The UK Business Population (Private Sector): 2023


All businesses


SMEs (0-49 employees)


Medium-sized (50-249)


Large (more than 250)

Employment by firm size

Source: Business population estimates for the UK and regions 2023

1 to 9 employees

4.288 million

10 to 49 employees

4.346 million

50 to 249 employees

3.596 million

250 or more employees

10.809 million

Key elements to ensure the success of your business

Running a small business successfully requires a multi-faceted approach, encompassing a range of crucial elements. The journey of entrepreneurship is complex, but by focusing on the key areas, business owners can steer their ventures towards success.

Strategic Planning

A robust business strategy forms the backbone of any successful venture. It offers a comprehensive roadmap, clearly articulating the company's objectives and outlining the path to achieving them. This includes not just product development and sales strategies but also an effective content marketing plan to reach and engage the target audience. A business strategy is not static; it needs to adapt and evolve in response to market dynamics and business growth.

Financial Management

Prudent financial management is vital. This involves detailed financial planning, effective cash flow management, and exploring avenues for funding. In the UK, for instance, government loans for small businesses can offer the necessary capital infusion to support growth. Understanding the terms and eligibility criteria for such financial aid is essential.

Customer Centricity

Excellent customer service is pivotal to business success. It's about exceeding customer expectations, thereby fostering loyalty and encouraging word-of-mouth referrals. A satisfied customer can become an ambassador for your brand, making customer-centricity a key element of your business strategy.

Team Management and Leadership

The importance of building and nurturing a dedicated team cannot be overstated. Effective teamwork leads to improved productivity and innovative problem-solving. The leadership style adopted can significantly influence team dynamics. Effective leaders inspire, motivate, and foster a positive work culture. They communicate effectively and are adaptable, ready to pivot when needed.

Operational Efficiency

Efficient operations are the engine of a successful business. This involves streamlined processes, effective supply chain management, and the smart use of technology. It's about doing more with less and constantly seeking ways to improve.

Work-Life Balance

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial for sustainable success. Running a small business can be incredibly demanding, making time management vital. Business owners need to prioritise tasks effectively and ensure they're dedicating time to personal rejuvenation too.

Continuous Learning and Innovation

In the ever-evolving business landscape, continuous learning and innovation are paramount. This could involve staying abreast of industry trends, enhancing your product or service, or improving business processes. Businesses that innovate stay ahead of the curve, ensuring long-term success.

The journey to small business success is multifaceted, with each element playing a critical role, and together, they contribute to the sustainable success of a small business.

Government resources to help you start and grow a business

Woman in a store room looking at laptop

Set up a business

Wide range of government advice and resources to help you start a business.

Find out moreVisit the UK Government advice page on setting up a business
Business man pointing to chart on clipboard

Grow your business

Once established, find out how to plan for and execute a business growth plan.

Find out moreVisit the UK Government advice page on growing your business
Help to Grow Management Scheme graphic

Help to grow your business

Boost your business performance and resilience with a 90% funded course

Find out moreVisit the Small Business Charter advice page on the Help to Grow: Management Course
Small Business Britain - How to Grow in a Recession

Finding Ways To Grow

Small Business Britain runs a series of events, campaigns, and programmes designed to inspire and accelerate small businesses in their growth.

This report, released in conjunction with the TSB, sets out a path for businesses to continue to grow, despite a difficult business environment.

Devising an exit strategy: Avoiding Business Failure or Bankruptcy

Running a successful business not only involves meticulous planning at the initial stages but also requires foresight and preparation for an exit. An exit strategy is an entrepreneur's strategic plan to sell their ownership in a company after a certain period or in the face of certain milestones.

Preparing Your Business for an Exit

The best way to position your business for an exit is to start planning early. This involves understanding different exit strategies, such as selling the business, merging with another company, or transferring ownership to a family member. Once you've selected a suitable exit strategy, you can start preparing your business.

Preparation involves ensuring that your business is attractive to potential buyers. This could involve increasing profitability, diversifying the customer base, or streamlining operations. It also involves ensuring that your financial records are in order and that your business complies with all relevant regulations.

Spotting Warning Signs of Business Failure

Recognising the early warning signs of business failure is crucial. These could include declining sales, increasing expenses, low cash reserves, or high employee turnover. If you notice any of these signs, it's important to take immediate action. This could involve reevaluating your business strategy, cutting unnecessary expenses, or seeking professional advice.

Addressing these issues as soon as they arise can prevent further problems and potentially save your business from failure. But it's equally important to have a plan in place in case your business does fail.

Navigating Business Failure and Bankruptcy

In the unfortunate event of business failure, having a strategy in place can help minimise the impact. The key is to act quickly and make tough decisions. This could involve restructuring the business, negotiating with creditors, or, in some cases, deciding to close the business.

If your business is insolvent and can't pay its debts, bankruptcy could be an option. While bankruptcy may seem like a worst-case scenario, it can provide a way out of debt and a chance to start afresh. However, it should be considered as a last resort, due to the significant impact on your credit rating and the potential loss of personal assets.

Before deciding on bankruptcy, it's crucial to seek advice from a financial advisor or insolvency practitioner. They can help you understand the implications of bankruptcy and explore other possible options, such as a Company Voluntary Arrangement (CVA) or administration.