BizEquals Ltd

Boost your business growth and productivity in our online B2B community.
  • Paul Street, London, EC2A 4NE
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As technology continues to evolve rapidly, it's essential for SMEs to have access to the skills, technology, and networks necessary for their growth and productivity. That's where BizEquals comes in.

What is BizEquals?

BizEquals is a brand-new online B2B digital platform specifically designed to connect SMEs with new customers, suppliers, advice, support, and expertise across vital areas. With its unique combination of features and opportunities, BizEquals provides a B2B Members community where companies can connect, learn, share, and grow with others.

B2B Online Members' Community

We offer three fantastic packages - Free, Growth, and Premium. Why not join us, enhance your digital footprint, and start boosting your growth and productivity?

Your company can create a rich business profile, showcase your B2B Prospects (whether it's Products, Services, exciting Offers, Wanted quotes, or requests for Collaboration), and promote their Events.

If SMEs utilise new technologies and retain a sharp focus on customer service instead of building internal processes and systems, there is no reason why they can't compete with larger companies and even disrupt entire industries.

The COVID pandemic has accelerated the shift to conducting business online. BizEquals aims to be part of this shift by helping smaller companies find the necessary skills and services to compete with larger companies on an equal footing - hence the name BizEquals.

Service Provider
Founded: 2022
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Boosting B2B Engagement with Our Products & Services
18 November 2023
Start for free, then scale
Premium Members Package - 50% Off
25 May 2024
£149 £299 (-50%)
50% off Premium membership
Partner with BizEquals
1 August 2023
Join us and become a Premium member partner
Charles Southgate
Carol Southgate