Boosting B2B Engagement with Our Products & Services
Start for free, then scale
18 November 2023 - 31 March 2025 18 November 2023 31 March 2025
Type Products and Services

B2B companies are continually challenged to find new ways to source and engage new customers. It is tough for smaller companies, who typically have smaller budgets and fewer resources.

That's what BizEquals is designed to address. Our packages are designed to provide SMEs with enhanced connectivity to potential new customers and suppliers and a greater digital presence online.

Summary of BizEquals Packages

1. Membership Packages:

Free Package: Ideal for businesses starting their journey on BizEquals, this package offers essential features to establish an online presence. Members can create a comprehensive business profile and access basic networking opportunities.

Growth Package: Designed for businesses seeking to expand their reach and engagement, this package includes enhanced features like the ability to post B2B Prospects and Events.

Premium Package: Tailored for businesses aiming for maximum impact, the Premium package offers an enhanced Growth package and premium positioning.

2. Marketplace Packages:

Gold Package: Suitable for companies looking to list in our specialised marketplaces, the Gold package offers an attractive range of features. It’s a great fit for businesses focusing on specific sectors like finance, digital office solutions, AI, export advice, or digital skills.

Platinum Package: A comprehensive package for companies seeking to maximise their impact in our marketplaces. It includes all Gold features with added extra features to highlight and promote your company. Each package is designed to cater to the varying needs of SMEs, ensuring there's a perfect fit for every stage of business growth and sector-specific requirement.

What Our Packages Give You:

1. Comprehensive Business Profile:

At BizEquals, we recognise the power of a well-crafted business profile. Our platform allows you to create an extensive profile that goes beyond mere basics. It's a digital showcase of your business ethos, capabilities, and unique value propositions. Linking all your B2B Prospects and Events under one roof, this profile is a fantastic showcase for potential clients and partners to understand and engage with your business.

2. Products & Services Showcase:

Your offerings are the heartbeat of your business, and our platform ensures they receive the spotlight they deserve. We provide a dynamic space where you can present your products and services, highlighting features, benefits, and competitive edges. This visibility is not just about display; it's about creating engagement and driving business decisions.

3. Offers:

Our platform allows you to highlight your offers in a market where differentiation is vital. These could range from limited-time discounts to unique service packages. Such offers attract immediate attention and provide a strategic edge in customer acquisition and retention.

4. Wanted Quotes:

Agility in business is often about responding swiftly to market needs. Our 'Wanted Quotes' feature enables you to post specific product, service, or collaboration requirements. This ensures you are not just a seller but also a buyer with access to a vast network of providers.

5. Collaborations & Partnerships:

The essence of B2B lies in collaboration. Our platform fosters an environment conducive to forming strategic alliances and partnerships. Whether you're looking for technological collaborations, joint ventures, or cross-promotional opportunities, BizEquals is your gateway to a world of potential partnerships.

6. Event Promotion:

Online and in-person events are pivotal in business networking and brand building. Our platform lets you publicise your events, attracting the right audience and maximising participation.

In addition to our core offerings, we have five specialised marketplaces:

Artificial Intelligence 
– A wide range of practical AI tools to boost business performance

Digital Office - Apps and services to increase productivity through digitalisation and outsourcing.

Finance - Funding, tools and advice to help your business grow

Export Advice - Expert guidance and services to help your global expansion

Digital Skills - Upskill yourself and your team. At BizEquals, we aim to create a lively ecosystem where businesses can find all the necessary resources to boost their growth and productivity.

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BizEquals Ltd
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