
Transform your business with FutureLearn's learning platform to upskill your employee
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Transform the approach of your business to learning and development with FutureLearn's learning platform

Overview: FutureLearn is a unique online learning platform dedicated to democratising access to high-quality education for businesses of all sizes. We partner with leading universities and organisations to deliver a vast library of credible, flexible, and social learning experiences designed to support and encourage your workforce and transform your organisation.

Main Features:

  • Extensive Course Library: FutureLearn boasts an ever-expanding catalogue encompassing a wide range of business-critical topics. From general management to specialised areas like data analysis, finance, marketing, and technology, we offer the perfect courses to address your specific training needs.
  • Credible & Engaging Content: Our courses are meticulously crafted by experts from leading universities and organisations, ensuring the highest quality and industry relevance. Interactive learning experiences keep your employees engaged and motivated throughout the course.
  • Social Learning Environment: FutureLearn fosters a collaborative learning environment where employees can not only learn from industry experts but also share knowledge and insights with each other. This dynamic approach leads to deeper understanding and improved knowledge retention.
  • Flexible Learning: We understand that businesses operate at different paces. FutureLearn's bite-sized courses allow your employees to learn at their own convenience, anytime, anywhere, fitting seamlessly into their busy schedules.
  • Data-Driven Insights: Our Learning Manager tool provides valuable data and analytics on employee progress. You can track completion rates, test scores, and participation levels to measure the effectiveness of your training programs and ensure a strong return on investment (ROI).
  • Custom Course Creation: FutureLearn offers bespoke learning solutions. Our dedicated team collaborates with your subject matter experts to develop custom courses tailored to your organisation's specific needs and training goals.
  • Cost-Effective Solutions: FutureLearn's pricing structure caters to businesses of all sizes. Choose from individual course upgrades, team subscriptions like Unlimited for Teams, or custom course development, depending on your budget and training requirements.

Our extensive catalogue of courses covers a huge range of subjects, from general business management to specialist areas like data analysis, machine learning, cyber security, and Excel.


These in-depth courses allow you to master a series of new skills whilst building practical expertise. For example, CRM Fundamentals and Practice extends over 3 courses and 12 weeks and the Applied Data Analysis extends to 4 courses and 14 weeks.

In all, there are 118 ExpertTracks covering a wide range of topics.

In a rapidly changing business environment, continuous learning is no longer a luxury, but a necessity. FutureLearn empowers you to cultivate a culture of lifelong learning within your organisation, equipping your employees with the essential skills and knowledge.

Why not find out what working with FutureLearn can do to unlock the full potential of your workforce?

Service Provider
Founded: 2013
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